Saturday, May 01, 2004


first off, ENORMOUS ENDLESS GRATITUDE to aimee and jen for their midnight delivery service. that's a lot of cookies. i'll make sure i take good care of them =)

supposed to be finishing revelations tonight but instead went to price center to check out the improv showdown. since it was a contest between ucla, uci, and ucsd, i was expecting they would all give their best. brian, our physics TA was there playing piano, so that's also another reason to go. well, it was disappointing. none of them was funny. there were some funny moments but the ratio of that compared to the non funny ones are less than 0.2. foosh was way much better when they open the dat phan show. i guess the only time i cracked up really hard was when they asked the audience for a suggestion of "the name of a book that hasn't been published" and some guy in the back yelled "NEW TESTAMENT."

i met jen again today, after a long time. almost a year, perhaps. she has short hair now but seems a little taller compared to when i last saw her last year in discovery. maybe it's just me shrinking. but either way, it's nice to see an old friend again. i remember tin told me that jen is really nice and caring and that she would make a really good mom. i don't remember how tin and i ended up talking about jen, but she is nice. i hope everything goes well for her. =)

got to chat with irene this morning. too bad i had to go to humanities. freakin hum. there goes my chance of a pleasant conversation this weekend since she'll be gone to stay over at her aunt's place until sunday night. =(

people have been telling me to make my own comic strip, but i'm not good with story line. if jim would write a storyline, i would draw it. but i am tempted to make one. and since i am not creative on creating characters, i'll just use people in my apartments. this following lame one would be with me, david, and sam. this one took me about an hour to clean up, arrange the drawings, make boxes, layout the bubbles, and fill them in with words.

tell me what you think. or send me some good jokes that i can fit in 4 boxes.

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