Sunday, May 23, 2004

the unfortunate and the careless

a bug just passed by my ear and landed on my desk. now it's circling around my coke bottle like it's somekind of a deity that needs to be worshipped. and now its crawling up my arm, down to the piece of paper i'm using to write my math homework. i wonder, is this bug not thinking that i can squish him anytime i want? has it no sense of fear? i mean, it HAS to have a sense of fear, right? otherwise it won't be able to avoid danger that lurks in nature. danger like me.


i just squished the bug with the piece of paper that has my math homework on it. now it has bug juice exactly where i want it to be. maybe i should turn this in to my TA tomorrow, circle the spot that has bug juice on it, draw an arrow and write down "squished bug, do not touch." wonder how she would react to it.

is it a sin? to kill such bug? if it is, and sinners will go to hell, then everyone in this world is already lined up on a nice pathway that leads straight to hell. i bet every single one of you who are currently wasting your time reading this has killed a bug, at least once. is it a forgivable sin? because bugs are less intelligent than us? because bugs aren't created "according to god's own image?" i don't think bugs would like to hear that. but then again, can bugs hear? can they feel? can they be mad that i'm talking shit about them like this? can they protest if humans decide that their existence is insignificant? why is the sky blue?

i remember having a discussion with aimee about bug-killing; she told me NOT to kill bugs because god created them. then we got into a discussion on whether bugs are useful or not. i said if it's not useful and only cause you harm, KILL IT. but she disagreed. i don't remember what we finally agreed upon that night, but believe she was thankful that i killed two or three cockroaches that were trying to take over the world.

my apology, unfortunate bugs.

kristin told me once that "average people marry the person they date during their sophomore year in college." well, i hope that statistics is correct, because now the average people category just got another person in it. =)

and then there's another statistics from kevin that says "70% of male population don't kiss their wives goodbye when they leave their houses, but 70% of male population kiss their house goodbye when they leave their wives."

and a personal favorite of mine is the one i see on a utility bill: "if you pay your bill, we will be delighted, but if you dont, you will be de-lighted."

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