Wednesday, June 16, 2004

may the force be with you

just finished star wars: knights of the old republic using the light side. i wonder how the storyline would have changed if i had used the dark side. i've got the whole summer, so i think i'll replay it using the dark side. note to self: DO NOT FORGET TO PICK FORCE IMMUNITY AND ADVANCED LIGHTSABER THROW. force suppression and stasis field are complete pain in the ass if you've got no force immunity to block them. and advanced lightsaber throw would have saved me a shitload of time killing malak in the end. how is it a fair fight if he's got 8 dead jedi supplying force and health to him? it's like fighting 9 of him. total of life-support packs used: 22. advanced medpacks: 19. stimulants: countless; my character was basically high on steroid.

speaking of the character, i used a girl, simply because she's hot. haha. named her jaina solo and she's ready to go. name's not my creation, though. jaina solo is han and leia solo's daughter, first-born twins along with jacen solo. i really wish there's a continuation to what happens after the new jedi order. so luke and marajade got ben skywalker, and han and leia got jacen, jaina, and anakin solo. then what?

i want to see confrontation. muahahaha.

here's some facts:

1. even at young age, jacen solo already shows tendency toward being a jedi consular, one that uses the force passively to settle conflicts and counsel people, not fighting. jacen considers the aggresive use of the force will lead one to the dark side. he is a "nature" person; using the force he is able to communicate with animals and the environment. sounds a bit like an environmentalist dr. doolitle, doesn't it?

2. jaina solo is a high tempered young girl. even at young age, she has encountered countless fights with her mother leia. despite that, she's the only one out of the solo twins who is able to take measures before deciding what action to take. her temper, however, almost leads her to the dark side after the death of anaking and the disappearance of jacen.

3. anakin solo is one talented young fella who inherited almost every anakin skywalker's skills. the death of chewbacca and him being blamed for it by his father almost lead him straight to the path of the dark side. he disagrees with his brother jacen on how the force should be used. anakin thinks the force is a jedi's tool and should be used at his disposal. he also does not believe in redemption; evil forces should just be eliminated. aggresiveness like his reminds one of anakin skywalker, the greatest jedi and dark lord of all time. anakin solo would be my favorite character, too bad expanded universe killed him.

4. nothing is really known of ben skywalker. he is still an infant when jaina jacen and anakin already roam around and encounter battles and lots of other troubles.

now how about something like jaina going to the dark side and has to fight jacen in the end? i would pick anakin over jacen anytime but since EU already said he's dead, i'd have to go from there. it would be great, twins fighting each other and one will die in the end.

by the way, marajade skywalker is hot. no wonder the strongest jedi master in the universe fell for her.

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