Sunday, June 19, 2005

the revival

again, nature kept its promise to keep things in balance. i lost my keys yesterday by chance, and now it popped out by chance. i passed by the information desk this afternoon on my way to starbucks and i thought i'd ask if anyone had turned in any keys to them.

and someone did. i wish i have the finite improbability generator here with me so it can calculate for my how improbable it is for such a thing to happen.

well, i have my keys back, and i have my coffee. i am happy now.

blogging using txtedit isn't quite so bad. i wouldn't have resorted to this stone-age method had it not been for t-mobile charging $6 for the first hour of internet use. why can't they do things like how they do it up on the bay area? free wi-fi everywhere. that'd be nice. guess i'll just have to walk across to village wok after this to enjoy some free wireless.

guah. the mocha affogato is too sweet. never again will i order this one.

brazil fell to mexico. interesting. 21 shots for brazil with 0 goal, 5 shots for mexico with 1 goal. way to show off efficiency.

and japan beat greece 1-0. i guess not everyone can keep the spirits high up for eternity.

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