Thursday, June 16, 2005

day nine: flowers

i have been spending somewhere close to fifteen hours per day in the lab in the past four days, i no longer feel inappropriate to be in my boxer while doing my work. that is IF you can call this working.

after a good two days staring at a 389-line, i finally figured out that a good 70% of them is some junk shit that i don't even need to read. my efficiency rate is way below average, it even surprises myself how i can get things done.

the following is meant to be a note-to-self kinda thing, since i am currently too lazy to get off this couch to walk five steps to a desk where there is an unlimited supply of paper. i have the pencil, just no blank piece of paper to write this down.

and don't diss. this is what is going on after two days inside the mind of a person with no programming experience who has to read and try to understand a code that a gazillion professors use to do actual scientific computing.

usage: displayta.c("[rootfile]", [event#], [some#], [someother#])

loon that shit and you get a track with a truth table. ist=0 shows primaries, ist=11 shows the target nucleon, ist=1 shows final state particles.

in the code there's a function, or method, or object, or class, or whatever the hell you computerscience bastards call it since they all mean the same to me: run this with some specified parameter and it'll spit out some shit, named displayta(). first parameter will be a ROOT file because a ROOT file is where ALL THE FUCKING DATA IS STORED. ALL. yes, ALL. second parameter is EVENT NUMBER. pick one because each root file holds the data to 9999 events. third and fourth parameter is only known to god and whoever the hell made this shit.

TFile *myfile = new TFile(infile) takes the root file specified above and creates a new TFile onto it, whatever the hell TFile is or does. then it assigns it to a variable (or whatever) called myfile. a little googling up gives some info on TFile. i should link that shit here so i don't have to google everytime. i never retain information, so i have to look it up everytime.

TTree *tree = (TTree*)myfile->Get("GEVT") does whatever it does to myfile (which was that root file) and grabs something, probably a folder, called GEVT from it, and assigns it into a variable tree. maybe GEVT is like a subfolder of root that contains some data. TBrowser shows that there are two folder in the root file: GEOM and GEVT. googling up TTree does not help much, but scroll down and there will be some shit to read. unlikely to be useful, but i'm linking it just in case.

TBranch *branch = tree->GetBranch("REROOT_EVENT") does, again, whatever the hell it does, then grabs what is probably a folder called REROOT_EVENT and assigns it into a variable branch. googling up TBranch gives something to read also. i swear, these physicists are trying to be punny with the root, tree, branch shit.

TClonesArray crates array of clones (duh?). in this case HITS, DIGITS, NEUKINS, STDHEPS. std is supposed to stand for standard, but the thing that keeps going through my head is sexually transmitted disease. i've been in here for a little too long. google gives some stuff on TClonesArray.

i just fell asleep, reading is boring.

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