Monday, June 20, 2005

it's all gray to me

there's a long history between white people and black people. i don't really care, to be honest, because i'm supposedly "yellow." i was about to say BROWN but the indian people have already claimed that color. but yellow is for the chinese, which i am not, but all asians are chinese descendant anyway before they start evolving into many different shapes, so i guess i'm yellow-ish.

this post is in no way meant to be racist, so if you consider this a racist post, then that is your own problem.

people keep talking about black people and white people. all in all, what's the difference? they're people. segregating black people from white people or any other races from other races, in this case, is like segregating sam from david and i because he's a tall hongkong dude. of course we do it anyway, but that's because sam is sam, and he always manages to screw himself over or get other people to screw him over.

it is somewhat comforting to see that here in minnesota black people are mixing well with white people. on many occasion too i see black girl dating white guy, or black guy dating white girl. good to know that the world really is mixing.

three thousand years from now, if we survive, there will be no more white people, and there will be no more black people. everyone's gonna be GRAY. not beige, russell. gray. that's my hypothesis. you can go tell your great great great great great great great ... great great grandson to check back to this blog and verify whether my hypothesis is correct. and yes, that is an ellipsis.

what's the basis of this guesstimate? a squirrel i saw today on my way to tate. it's not an ordinary squirrel; it's a BLACK squirrel. most of the squirrels you see these days are gray, or brownish-gray, and not everyday you see a black squirrel. little does one know that in the past, long before the link was missing and human beings popped out of thin air, there were two kinds of squirrels: black squirrels and white squirrels.

yes, they have gone through all the segregation crap that we had only discovered about eight decades ago. the black squirrels were forced to pick acorns for the white squirrels, and were given the shitty trees to live in. this went on until one day a black squirrel lead a revolution which overthrew the white squirrel king. many squirrels regarded this one black squirrel as a hero, but really he would not have succeeded had it not been for the white female squirrels who were sick of their husbands and decided to form a female squirrel coalition and helped the black squirrels kick the asses of the lazy, ungrateful white male squirrels. after their successful revolution, the black squirrels proposed a term: that they all should just live in peace, with no segregation. the white male squirrels were too lazy to think so they accepted the offer because "it sounds good." and that's when the black and white squirrels started mixing.

three thousand years later, there were no more black squirrels. there were no more white squrrels. they've all become gray.

the above paragraphs contain no implied political or racial statement. if you think there is one, then you're just being paranoid. get over it.


bobby bought wine. wine i like. ah, lovely merlot. haven't had one for a while now.

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