Wednesday, April 27, 2005


wednesday today, but it feels like friday already.

i have nothing interesting to post. life is just quite blah right now. i need to finish grading labs, and then figure out what i'm supposed to do in lab tomorrow.

it's nice, but awkward at the same time, seeing familiar faces on campus waving at you and asking you how you're doing, while at the same time you're trying to remember what their name is. oh well, i guess the default "im good, how about you?" works perfectly fine.

no, don't worry. i don't forget my friends' names. those familiar faces i was talking about are people from the classes that i TA. and don't even blame me for not remembering their names. all they have to do is remember ONE name, while i have to remember twenty names persection. i've had 11 sections in the past. you do the math.

i still need to name my powerbook, but still cant come up with a sexy name.

ugh, food coma strikes.

4.5 weeks and i'm still clean. no ditching.

volume 37 is coming out the end of this month. tomorrow, if i'm not mistaken.

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