Friday, August 06, 2004

the crying little ship

EastBlue got the raw for 332 from JOJO. from jojo means it's jojo quality. but it's fine, EGX will get the better scans in soon. at least i know what's going on.

usopp challenges luffy to a duel at 10pm, apparently so that he can prepare for it. when the time comes, usopp apparently faked his injury and caught luffy off guard, then throws some kind of a flashbang at luffy, followed by his famous rotten egg shot, then the hotsauce bullet which goes straight into luffy's mouth. before luffy fell to the ground, usopp throws some spikes and shoots shurikens at luffy. then ---this is a genius move, i say--- usopp uses the gas dial and then shoots his explosive kamari-boshi at luffy, resulting in

a huge explosion

but luffy seems to be just fine. and angry. of course he would be fine; he has been in worse explosions when fighting foxy.

but here's what's really sad: the going meri is crying. the ship clearly expresses its sadness, watching 2 best buddies fighting each other over something they couldn't agree in.

poor going meri. i can really feel its sadness. oda better has something good coming out of this sad fight. i also noticed that this battle seems to be the end of this water7 arc, since whenever oda closes an arc, he never puts down any joke. everything is as serious as it can get. for those who read the manga, you should notice that everytime there's a fight, but not yet the climax, oda ALWAYS manages to sneak in a joke; it's almost as if for him even funny things can happen in the middle of something serious. but when something is at its climax, even oda gets serious. well, the past three to four chapters have been without jokes at all; this is definitely a climax, a battle as significant as the battle with crocodile and arlong. and krieg. i always forget that guy.

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