life is all about signs. signs that nature gives out for you to find and decipher to figure out what your next action should be.
when everything goes wrong the entire morning, it's a sign.
when you see penguins everywhere you go, it's a sign.
when even the fastest windshield wiper speed failed to let you see what's fifty feet ahead of you, it's a sign. a sign for you to find the first exit and go straight back home.
this was after the wiper was turned off:
this was two seconds later.
san rafael was a nice town, if it wasn't flooded. as much as i liked thrills, having your car start hovering at 30mph was just not funny.
i should quit being lazy and start exercising next quarter, partly because then i would have more time since classes wouldn't be too hard, but mostly because my being out of shape is getting out of control. maybe i should make that my new year's resolution: to get in-shape. but we all know that new year's resolutions exist so that people can break them.
no wonder so many berkeley people are suicidal. the weather here is so depressingly foul it hardly deserves its name.
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