Thursday, July 22, 2004

psalm 23

here's a nerd guide to psalm 23 that i found in my inbox this morning:

the lord is my programmer;
i shall not crash.
he installed his software on the hard disk of my heart;
all of his commands are user-friendly.
his directory guides me to the right choices for his name's sake.
even though i scroll through the problems of life,
i will fear no bugs, for he is my backup.
his password protects me.
he prepares a menu before me in the presence of my enemies.
his help is only a keystroke away.
surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life,
and my file will be merged with his and saved forever.

not being religious or anything, just thought it's funny how they have a nerdified version of such a thing.

one piece 330 is coming out either tonight or tomorrow. luffy zoro sanji and chopper are so gonna kick major ass.

still behind in the reading assignments and i got myself into playing knights of the old republic for the 5th time. this time i'm using a male, going dark. not that the game is addicting nor that i have no life, but there is one more quest that i haven't gotten to finish yet last time because i did lightside and killing people apparently gives darkside points and that would ruin going to the lightside perfectly. well, this time i don't have to hold back and i can finish that one genohaaradan quest. sweet. =)

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