Friday, January 13, 2006

lure of the dark side, indeed

anger causes destruction. anger only leads to one's own demise. what should i do, master yoda?

i wish i was brought up with the jedi code.

i came to realize how important the index finger of your active hand is. i got a deep cut on my right index finger on tuesday, and the poor finger has been wrapped constantly in a bandaid since then. life was miserable since tuesday, because:

1. i could not properly hold a spoon to eat. i have hold it in such a way that retarded people hold their spoons.
2. i could not wash my face with my left hand without making my entire shirt wet.
3. i could not type anything with the letter "n" on it without getting the letter "b" or "m" in it. or anything with the letter "b" without getting the letter "v" or "n" in it. you wouldn't believe how many times i have to hit backspace typing this ebntr... AGH FUCKIT. no nmore backspace.
4. i could nbot hold chopsticks properly to eat my koreanb food tonbight.
5. i could nbot draw properly, yet i have to turn in a comicstrip for monday.
6. i could nbot wash dishes properly.
7. i could nbot strumn or pick nmy guitar.
8. i could nbot clip my left hand's bnails without feelibng like an idiot who had never clipped his nbails before.
9. i could not use a knife properly.

and worst,

10. i could not even hold the little bro properly whenb i feel the need to let it out.

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