Sunday, April 02, 2006

we named the monkey "jack"

so i haven't blogged a lot lately. in fact, i have done nothing more than posting up doodles. i'm ashamed, that i am.

but it's springbreak, so i have an excuse to be lazy. though in fact i have been more productive than ever this springbreak.

my website: LiFe SUCkS, is now up and running. i have all of my old comic strips uploaded in the PUBLISHED STRIPS section, all of my OP fanarts in the FANARTS section, and everything else i've done in the DOODLES section. there are a lot of amusing things in the DOODLES section, so make sure you check that out, especially the doodlewars i've done with eggy and chang. starting now, i will NOT be putting my drawings in this blog. they will be available in LiFe SUCkS for viewing. i will, however, provide links to them here in this blog, but i want traffic to be redirected over there. much thanks to ocean for giving me free hosting @ KEFI. no worries, o, one day i shall stop leeching off your kindness and get my own hosting.

to those of you who read this blog, i will let you in on a little secret: i am starting a one piece doujinshi with two awesome artists: eggy and chang. how the story is gonna go i will not reveal here, but we will be working on the first and last chapter together, while anything else in between will be worked on separately. how? you will see when each respective artist puts up their part of the story (if they ever decide to do so at all). one artist will be assigned to do a few full pages, so you might see different style from one page to the next, but anything on a page will be done by one artist, with his own unique style and humor.

i happened to be assigned page 1, which i finished last night after 10 hours of work (INcluding drinking some rum, playing cards, doodling on people's faces, playing guitar and singing), so here it is, a spoiler for the 1st chapter, 1st page of our yet-to-be-titled doujin: [X]

progress report is here:
1. rough pencil sketches, three panels [X]
2. alternate version of the above. can you see a difference? [X]
3. rough pencil sketches and a little ink, four panels [X]
4. first panel, halfway inked [X]
5. complete sketch, four panels inked [X]

eggy and chang are awesome, talented artists with a great sense of humor that fits mine, but all three of us are lazy bastards, so do not expect this doujin to be finished anytime soon (if ever). however, if it ever gets finished, it will be one hilariously awesome doujin that will keep you laughing continuously; that much i dare to claim.

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