Friday, September 02, 2005

vaginal itching

my vagina has been itching the past few days. how's yours doing?

that message is for kevin, by the way. the rest of you pretend like you never read that.

read an entire 5-6 years worth of archive on striptease. good plot, good jokes, good lesbian jokes. props.

LA is hot, and boring. glendora, at least. it takes about an hour in traffic to go to the part of LA that's got all the fun, so that's not worth it. so i've been spending my days here reading webcomics and hanging out at the vortex of unproductivity.

going back down to sandiego tomorrow morning. finally, a chair that's comfortable enough for my ass to sit on, a desk that's comfortable enough for me to draw on, a weather that doesn't require human sacrifices to live in, and last but not least, more things to do than at home.

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