Monday, February 04, 2008


registration was supposed to start 5.30am this morning. i woke up at 5.25, went to pee and made a cup of tea.

at 5.30am, there was nothing. i checked the forums. as expected, it's flooded with people freaking out about AA registration screwing up like last year. i waited with my cup of tea.

at around 6am, people decided to call EXPERIENT, the registration company, to complain about the mess. not long afterwards, people started posting about how tech support people said that something was wrong with the website and that they have sent an email to the programmer. a response (and hopefully resolve) should be obtained within an hour.

i have trust issues with people, especially tech support people. mainly because i'm quite certain that they're just told to tell an angry customer the same procedure on how to fix things, and if things are still not fixed, to tell them to "wait for a bit while we reach the person who's behind this thing." i guess it's just the nature of human beings to blame things on someone else who's not present at the moment, or who's currently unaware of the situation, like homer cleverly put it in the simpsons: "quick! blame it on the guy who doesn't speak english!"

so i decided to stick around. around 6.20, i thought i should make myself some sandwich, so i went to the kitchen. while preparing the sandwich, my bladder acted up again, so i went to the bathroom. on the way back to the kitchen, i decided to refresh the AA registration page...

and there it was. a box to enter the number of tables you want for the artist alley. i entered 4 and proceeded to pay.

and here's what it looks like THREE BLOODY MINUTES LATER.

dear shiroro, makoto, brigitte, kama, joanna, and eggy: YOU ALL OWE ME YOUR FUCKING SOUL. BOO YAH, BABY.

soul, and $210. the latter is more important, by the way.

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