so it's 14 more days until christmas, and i'm repeating the same project i did last year, only this time it seems like it's become more massive, partly because i can't count, partly because i never know what day it is today, but mostly because i'm a whore.
so another year has passed. what have YOU been doing all this year? did you do anything productive? did you accomplish anything you're proud of? did you make a fool out of yourself in a global scale? HAVE YOU BEEN PARTICULARLY ANNOYING TO CERTAIN PEOPLE?
i certainly have. only god knows how many people this year i've annoyed to hell and how many eyes i've burnt or minds i've scarred with all the disturbing images i made them see. apparently in the past half year it has become an automatic habit of mine to make everything someone said sound perverted, wrong, disturbing, AND to top it off, accompany it with some sort of visual aid. all the wrongs you see here are nothing compared to what i do at night after i come home from campus, in front of my computer, armed by my wacom tablet, pencil, paper, and canon scanner. it delights me to know that somewhere in the world, my drawing just made someone cry, or bang their head on the desk, or scream, or jump out of their seat, or get yelled at and tortured in the janitorial closet by the librarian because of the numerous non-worksafe images on his public computer screen.
and so i feel bad. kinda. well, not quite. almost. um, not really, i guess.
but my point is, i now feel obliged to compensate these people for having to put up with me all year long, and so i am starting this project called MY TRUE LOVE SENT TO ME (because i can't think of anything better).
so what is this? well, the idea is to pick a few people that you felt you've disturbed/annoyed all year, AND/OR people you love/value most in your life, and MAKE THEM A CHRISTMAS CARD. NOT BUY, MAKE. you might not be as witty or skillful as those hallmark card artists, but at least the card you make will be UNIQUE, in a way that only one copy exists in the whole world. your skill is not what matters. what matters is the time and thought your put into this, and whoever receives this card, i guarantee you that person will treasure it, because of the effort you put into it.
and why am i posting this here? because this is not just my project. YOU CAN DO IT TOO. there are still 14 days until christmas, so make a list of the people you think deserve a christmas card because they mean that much to you. christmas has become a commercial holiday, so it's nice to stop for a moment with all the consumerism and MAKE YOUR OWN GIFT. it can even be something as simple as a christmas card.
i think i have 13 people on my list. that means a card a day will keep the doctor away. i will submit my finished card and update this journal accordingly.
now go and spread the christmas card love.
list of finished cards:
shiroro -