there is this guy whose name i need not mention with whom i had a short conversation with a while ago. he posted this question in a forum:
"but do cyberphysics exist?
"If it doesn't, I've just discovered/invented it."being a physicist, or at least on my way to be one, i was honestly curious, so i replied with the following:
"care to tell us what cyberphysics is? you're the one who invented it, after all."to which he replied:
"Physics in cyberpsace. I made it so a project of mine could work easier.
It's like astrophysics, what with there being zero gravity, but the thing about cyberphysics is it's malleable- it can be changed, for example, by a programmer.
"Also, there's no oxygen in cyberspace. I haven't made everything, like the laws and stuff, but I'll get round to it."at this point started to wonder if this guy knows what physics actually is. i mean... come on now, "it's malleable?" what is it, aluminum foil? but i decided to play along and replied with:
"interesting. playing god, there, ey? making up your own laws of physics xD
"what project is this, if i may know? are you a physicist too? i'm always interested to know what other physicists are doing."to which he replied with:
"I can't say what the project is, someone might steal my idea."can't say if he's knows what physics is, but he certainly has the attitude of a theorist.
and today, i found out that he made this statement:
"It has been suggested I am powered by the Kraken virus, which is a cyber physician's version of a black hole. Note that since I created cyber physics, this could all be utter bull."to which i am holding myself back from replying with:

this has to be up there with all the replies i get when people ask me what major i am and i reply with "physics":
* oh, are you gonna be a psychologist?
* oh, you're gonna teach highschool PE? that's cool!
ignorance isn't bliss. ignorance is amusing.