chang made a suggestion about a possible attack move for eggy to use in a battle, and the conversation went awry. but this one deserves to be blogged, because i want to look back at this 10 years from now and laugh again. ah, so memorable.

Chang: he can hatch anything, right?
Chang: he
hatched me : p
[e1n]: truuue
[e1n]: but then he'll have to have different animal DNA in stock with him all the time
[e1n]: oh wait
[e1n]: not DNA
[e1n]: SPERM
Chang: Ah see
Chang: so typical of e1n
Eggy: i knew it..
[e1n]: he can be a flexible egg
Eggy: how 'bout no....
[e1n]: just TAMA TAMA NO MI
[e1n]: BUT
Eggy: no
[e1n]: if he drinks a certain animal's semen
Eggy: no
[e1n]: he can hatch the animal
Eggy: no
[e1n]: xD
Eggy: no
[e1n]: disapproved, i guess
[e1n]: xDDD

Eggy: ...........................
Chang: you don't want him to drink sperm in the middle of the battle
Eggy: no sperm
Chang: Eggy's basically the perfect host for a developing embryo >D
Eggy: no spe rm
[e1n]: yah
[e1n]: not a good idea
[e1n]: while i think him drinking semen in the middle of a battle is a hilarious idea
[e1n]: he loses his cuteness =/
[e1n]: i want eggy to stay "phweeeeeeeeeeeeee"
Chang: doesn't have to be semen ><;
Chang: Why do you jump to semen at the first place : (((( yaoi king
[e1n]: wow
[e1n]: he can drink your semen and hatch your clone!!
[e1n]: ahem
[e1n]: i mean...
Chang: ......
Chang: ...........

[e1n]: look who started it again.....
[e1n]: im in tears
[e1n]: see
[e1n]: i knew he's worse

[e1n]: ................................
[e1n]: ...............................................................